Monday, January 02, 2006

It's really too bad this turned out to be a hoax

I just found out that one of my favorite PETA stories is a complete fabrication. Doubtless its creator meant well. I'm sure he or she had just read of another of PETA's stunts and had had just about enough. After all, these are the people that publish comic books portraying Dad as a frothing homicidal maniac for catching and cleaning fish.

Anyway, the debunked story is as follows: A bunch of PETA-heads in Ohio decided they would be cute and put blaze orange vests on 405 deer. Since hunters wear the vests to avoid being shot by their overzealous brethren during modern gun deer season, the vapid vegans thought to save the lives of the poor innocent game animals. However, the owner of a local sporting good store starting offering rewards for vested deer. Three hundred some-odd of the smartly attired quadrapeds were bagged in short order, since the orange overgarments defeated their natural camouflage. PETA's short-sighted plan foiled by common sense. Its still kind of funny, even if it's not true.

The thing about PETA is that it's so loopy you don't have to invent stories to make the organization and its members look whacky. Here are some real-life examples: and

Eco-Freaks vs. Reality

You gotta love Vladimir Putin. He's been busy laying the smack down on any and all organizations which stand between him and absolute power over in the old USSR. Of course Bush likes him, which makes as much sense as him inviting Ready Teddy over to the White House theater for popcorn.

Now he is going to stop selling gas to Ukraine, since that country refused to sign a contract with the Russian state monopoly Gazprom which would quadruple their current price. Ukraine is the conduit through which Europe receives 25% of its gasoline. Last time I looked, we are part of a global economy. Gas shortages in Europe are going to affect the prices of gas and petroleum products here.

So now is the time for all the Democrats and limp-wristed girls in the Senate who kept us from drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Reserve to stand up and take a bow. Now would be a really good time to look at breaking a little of our dependence on foreign oil, but the PETA-heads have decided what' best for all of us once again.

BTW, drilling up there isn't going to have any significant impact on the caribou and (last I heard) the goofy-looking critters liked to huddle around the existing Alaskan pipeline to keep warm. Maybe we can ship 'em some solar powered space heaters to boot.

Drilling in ANWR wouldn't solve all of our oil-related problems, but it would eventually account for about 20% of what we currently have to import from overseas. After we start drilling in some desolate part of the Great White North, maybe we can really go out on a limb and seriously discuss builing a new oil refinery for the first time in 30 years. If I had my way it would be constructed just off the coast of Kennebunkport.