Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm Running Out of Words

I don't know how to describe Obama's latest attacks on the American people without sounding like a genuine headcase, the same kind of right-wing extremist detailed by leftist pundits in the media. The most I can do is go through the facts and let them speak for themselves.

Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, has said that a serious crisis should never go to waste. The White House predicts nearly 100,000 could die of swine flu.

Enemies of the United States have nothing to fear should they be captured by American troops.

The real enemies are within, as the White House deems protesters low level terrorists. Special interrogation squads will be formed, to be controlled by the White House.

The stage is being set for the gov't to violently suppress civil disobedience and unrest. Obama is desperately trying to keep us in perpetually crisis mode so the thoughtless masses will scream for him to do something. He will be only too happy to oblige.


Anonymous Sean Hanrahan said...

Interesting. Not too far off the crazy left theories about what Bush was trying to do with the raising and lowering of threat levels by Homeland Security, their take on the Patriot Act as being used to spy on innocent Americans who disagreed with the Republicans, and the constant reminders about the war on terrorists and their threat to our way of life. Some of them though "W" was going to use that "We are at War" rhetoric as a reason to delay or postpone elections so he could stay in power more than 8 years. They could almost make it seem plausible at the time. I have a feeling those fear monger's counterparts are at work on you.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Matthew Tod said...

I came to these conclusions on my own, based on how the administration has conducted itself so far. Unlike the stuff put forth by the leftist moon bats, the facts I listed in this post are actually facts, not conjecture.

4:38 AM  

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